Fire detection systems substantially contribute to the protection of property and people. They must be designed and installed according to the location and conditions in which they are to operate in order to avoid false alarms and to avert unnecessary alarms or discharges of extinguishing agents.

As a leading company in the sector, we are able to design and build all types of fire detection systems(smoke, temperature, gas, etc.) in full compliance with the regulations and always taking into account the cost/benefit ratio.

Detection systems are utilised in all contexts in which fire safety is involved.



The fire detection systems can be designed according to specific needs, utilising techniques and technologies for identifying the various risk factors in accordance with the type of fuel (and consequently, of the fire/smoke/temperature). Often, two or more parameters are determined to improve system reliability and minimise the number of false alarms.

These are distinguishable by the physical/chemical parameter measured (detection principle) and thus by the detector installed. Very often, two or more different parameters are detected to ensure the system is robust. These parameters can be:

  • Smoke, through punctiform or linear detectors that exploit the diffusion of light in the smoke, ionisation detectors that measure the ionised particles in the smoke, or aspirating smoke detectors;
  • Temperature, which can be calibrated at a fixed threshold (for example, 54° C) or thermovelocimetric, being sensitive to temperature rises (even of 10° C/min). These can also be punctiform or linear (such as thermosensitive cables). There are also innovative thermal imaging systems used where it is not possible to install other detectors, or for large or outdoor areas requiring protection;
  • Flame, which perceive the UV or IR electromagnetic radiation emitted by the blaze.

The detection systems have two management technologies:

  • Conventional, simpler and more suited to small spaces, they are able to determine the area that has gone into alarm but not the specific detector to have triggered the alarm. Exclusive two-wire lines depart from the control panel for a certain type of component, thus there will be a line dedicated to the smoke detectors, a line for manual alarm points, a line for temperature detectors, and so on.
  • Targeted, which are more complex due to each detector having its own unique ID number that is distinctly recognised by the control panel and therefore is able to identify the precise point of origin of the alarm, rather than just a generic zone. In this case, it is possible to have devices with different detection principles on the same LOOP line.


Detection systems have numerous components:

  • Fire detectors that continuously and autonomously monitor a certain parameter related to the fire (flame, smoke, temperature, for example);
  • Manual signalling points, such as signalling buttons that can be activated by the staff themselves;
  • Detection unit, the heart of the system that receives all inputs (from fire detectors, etcetera) and processes the outputs (alarm signalling, activation of the extinguishing system and so on);
  • Alarm devices that specifically serve to alert people in danger and include, for example, sirens, optical-acoustic panels and light signals;
  • Alarm transmission device – if required – to transmit the alarm to a special control station to initiate firefighting procedures or alert the Fire Brigade;
  • Powering, such as via a main public network along with emergency functioning with backup batteries.



Generally, a detector (smoke, flame, etcetera) perceives the fire or else a person present in the area notices the breakout of the fire and activates the device via one of the manual buttons, resulting in a signal being transmitted to the detection control unit. The signal is processed and an alarm is given by means of sirens and optical/acoustic panels. Subsequently, the control unit carries out a series of programmed operations in accordance to the specific circumstances, such as unhooking the electromagnets of the fire doors to allow them to close, opening the smoke and heat evacuators, activating the fire extinguishing system after a suitable delay, closing the fire shutters, deactivating the ventilation system and so on.


The detection systems created by Esseci S.r.l. guarantee total safety in the protected areas, especially when connected to our extinguishing systems. Furthermore, maintenance and assistance for this type of systems, as per all other types of fire-fighting and detection systems designed and installed by us, are part of the exclusive packages in our Service range.



Types of fire-fighting systems

Some of the types of systems we make

Extinguishing systems designed for the protection of large industrial and civil areas.


Our Aerosol extinguishing systems are efficient, free from environmental impact and competitive on the market due to their swift design, installation and maintenance.


Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) systems are simple, reliable and effective. Being easy to manage and maintain, they offer total safety even in large industrial production spaces.


Our inert gas systems use Argon and Nitrogen which, due to their nature, offer complete safety even on particularly delicate and precious materials.


Dry powder extinguishing systems, in particular with Sodium Bicarbonate, are ideal for extensive sites in the petrochemical industry.


Water Mist extinguishing systems are efficient, having no environmental impact and being non-toxic, offering a high extinguishing power thanks to the elevated pressurisation of the water that is not released as a “deluge” but is sprayed.


In the event of fire, these active safety systems guarantee the escape of any smoke from the safeguarded rooms, produced by the combustion in the areas at risk. With this mode, the SistemOpen90°™ ensures the areas are safe and smoke-free, guaranteeing the area leading to the escape routes is protected.


Designed to suppress and extinguish fires of solid materials, flammable liquid fuels and electrical equipment.


Particularly suited to areas in which extinction with water is not possible.


Foam Systems avail of a mixture of water and foam to extinguish fires and are particularly appropriate in the presence of flammable liquids.


For all systems using water as an extinguishing agent, these guarantee that the flow rate is exact so as to ensure perfect efficiency and reliability.


ESSECI S.r.l. offers an instrumentation rental service and performs tests directly with its own qualified technicians. On request, a Test Report signed by a Fire Prevention Expert can also be issued.


In the event of a fire, active safety systems guarantee a higher pressure in the safeguarded premises than in the other environments. In this way, they keep the safeguarded areas constantly free from smoke, creating a protected area leading towards the escape routes.


Our smoke and gas detection systems, with the relative alarm signalling systems and any extinguishing units, guarantee full protection against the risk of fire.


Integrated detection, video monitoring and extinguishing systems with remote control for the open-air storage of various kinds of flammable materials.


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